

My May 2012

Here's to a terrific start to summer break!

God Bless!
Mrs. S

The Vespers

I just had to write a post concerning The Vespers

I wasn't intending on providing you with a story, but I changed my mind. All because I can do so. :)

My husband and I live in a small town outside of Central Georgia. We wanted to check out the latest plays and shows performing at our local theatre. They put on some pretty great shows! We ran across a bluegrass band poster. Cadillac Sky. They are phenomenal, by the way! We had never heard of them, but a bluegrass concert sounded fun! So we went and were surprised by the honesty, purity, humor and religion they brought to the table. Let alone the talent! Oh my gosh! They are, by far, some of the most talented musicians I have ever heard. 

Cadillac Sky's front band was The Vespers. This group is formed of two sisters and two brothers. They are of college age, performing an angelic, folksy, and bluegrass style of sorts. Their music can give you the mellow mood you are searching for or it can brighten your day by bringing you a cheery face. I was amazed by their talent right away. Not that I have any right to judge, but they were wonderful! Ever since, my husband and I have been full supporters of both, Cadillac Sky and The Vespers.

Recently, The Vespers have given their fans a new album to listen to and enjoy. I have certainly been caught listening to their latest album The Fourth Wall all too many a time! I am SO addicted! So as you can see, I simply had to share!

Here are a few of their songs, folks. Listen and get addicted!

You can find them on SpotifyiTunes, and Amazon.


and Son House's original "Grinnin' in Your Face"

It's My Birthday!

I am ever so grateful for all that G-d has done in my life. The wonderful things and the not-so-wonderful things, I am grateful for them all! I would not be who I am today without His impact on my life, heart, soul and mind. 

Today I am blessed with a loving husband (of almost 10 months now! eek!), a new home I can call my own, a first nephew whom I will spoil as often as I can, a mother and father in good health, flowers on our front porch, a new pet puppy (trouble-maker) and turtle, good neighbors, great friends, and a G-d who is overwhelmingly faithful, compassionate and merciful.

As my husband and I were having lunch at my favorite fast food restaurant, Zaxbys, we discussed our plans for the next five years. Oh boy! What a crazy journey we have ahead of us! My only hope and prayer is that I continue to put my G-d first, my husband and family second, my friends third and myself last. I hope to enjoy every moment as if it were my last. To never worry but instead rejoice. To work hard and to find beauty in all imperfections. 

For starters... I am going to enjoy these flowers that my husband gave me!!! ♥♥♥
...and the mint chocolates. :) 


Coffee Stains

So, I love painting. I collect canvases and paints. You can never have too much! ;)

I had one of my canvases laying out recently when I found a huge coffee stain on it. Rg! But then I started thinking..."That would be so cool!" ...and you are thinking "What would be so cool?"

Painting with coffee!!!

1. I just used my leftover coffee from that morning. 

2. I sprinkled coffee onto the canvas. I decided to make the base heavier with coffee stains, rather then covering the entire canvas.

3. I even used a coffee mug to paint rings of coffee stains onto the canvas. {Optional: Obviously}

Neutral colors ♥ and cheap at that! 

Here is another one I painted with coffee. 
I simply painted it all with a paint brush. Cool, huh?

You should try it! If you are a coffee drinker, you can always put your leftover coffee. Just put it into a cup and use it up to make a cute, chic picture you can now hang up in your house! 

God bless!
Mrs. S

Crafty Crafty Part II

Okay, so, this was my first attempt at transferring prints. It didn't turn out like I thought, but I still like it.

Here it is...

1. Print out a black and white photo. I used regular computer paper. It works just fine.

I used one of my sisters drawings and found that bold, dark photos work best. When I used this picture, the lighter half kind of disappeared. Like I said, first attempt.

2. Paint the canvas and place the photo face down, gently rubbing out all of the bubbles and bumps.

3. Let it dry. You will start to see it seeping through. The image, that is.

4. Next spritz it with some water. Too much water can destroy it. Then gently rub off until all the paper is gone. It's starting to look pretty cool!


Again, this was my first attempt. I learned that darker, bolder pictures will work better. The lighter colors in this picture were flushed out of my transfer. 

God Bless!
Mrs. S


Want Waves?

My hair is fine, thin, and slow growing. :( 

Lame, I know.

Well, I found a way to give my hair those perfect light waves! Yay! It stayed there ALL day long, also! 

Got to love a hair-do that holds!

First things first...

1. When your hair is damp, twist a bunch of small sections in the direction you would like your curls to go. (I made my curls go away from my face.)

2. Twist these twists together and into a low up do. As you can see below I just used a clip to hold my hair there.

3. Take it out of the clip before it is completely dry. 

I blow-dried my hair a LITTLE while it was up, then let it air dry after that. 

4. Don't touch your twists, but wait until they dry completely. Then run your fingers through them to pull them apart.


Mrs. S

Crafty Crafty

Three simple steps:

1. Elmer's glue 
2. Let dry

God bless!
Mrs. S