

Senior // Lindsay

I've known Lindsay forever. I mean, FOREVER! ;) I knew her when she was in elementary school. Her older brother and my younger brother were friends. 
Never did I think that one day this beautiful woman would be placed in my life by God, Himself! She is a person who can make you laugh so hard you have to run to the bathroom! Her smile and joy is ridiculously contagious! Her heart for Christ is amazing and absolutely inspiring! She brings so many people hope and joy, I know without a doubt! 

Lindsay, I am so proud of you and all you are. You have had battles and by pursuing Christ, you've won! Your faith is such a joy to be around. Your smile is beautiful and your spirit is contagious! You can EASILY captivate people with it! Use the joy that God has given you to witness to and love on the people around you. They need it! I love you deary and I pray many blessings upon you as you enter into college! I know you'll kick boot-ay! :)

Enjoy folks! It's been a long time comin'!

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