

Thoughtful Thursday | Am I Really This Selfish?

I woke up to find that my newest dress, and my favorite, was tossed in the dryer and now it's shrunk and I don't fit it anymore.

Let me remind you that it's been a rough few weeks with my little mini me! She's wearing on me!

When I was looking at my dress, a thousand thoughts when through my head! Hannah is only one and in her time here on earth she has destroyed all of my favorite things. She's broken all of my new necklaces, all of my favorite necklaces, stretched out my favorite shirts beyond repair or recognition, put stains on outfits I hadn't even had a chance to wear out of the house yet, broken my childhood dog figurines and broken my favorite book ends. She drags around our family pictures, rips all of her books to pieces, (as an infant) peed and pooped on my bed, thrown up on brand new outfits, ripped out my hair, and rubs her snotty nose on every fresh outfit I put on. The thought kept going through my head "she has destroyed all of my favorite things!" and I started to get mad. Granted, she didn't shrink my dress, but my forgetfulness was the cause (I have gotten so much more forgetful and scatter-brained since getting pregnant with Hannah). Destroyed? Could I be any more dramatic?

They are just things after all.

Am I really this selfish?

Do I really cherish my materials this much?

I think that one of the many things God teaches us through our children is that stuff is just stuff. It doesn't define us or even make us better at anything! One dress doesn't make me a more beautiful person. One necklace may draw attention to me, but not to God.

This was such a wake up call.
Have I really been so selfish to value material goods this much? I mean, I almost cried over this dress. Cried. 
I hardly even cry when my child is not feeling well!

I have so much to learn about myself. I never realized how impatient, bitter or selfish I was until Hannah came along. It's terrifying actually. How good is our God that He takes the time to discipline His children! Praise Jesus for this opportunity to grow!

Photo taken via iPhone.

I pray that you are blessed and overcome with a resounding peace, hope and satisfaction in Christ!

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